Jhc Clear Baer-Normal Cerf-Normal Patella-Normal Cardio-Normal Weight 17lbs
Jhc -clear Baer-Normal Weight 15 lbs
Jhc Clear Baer-Normal Weight 15 lbs
Jhc Clear Baer-Normal Cerf-Normal Patella-Normal Cardio-Normal Weight 14lbs
Jhc-Clear Baer-Normal Cerf-Normal Patella-Normal Cardio-Normal Weight 13 lbs
Jhc Clear Baer-Normal Just turned one so other tests will be done soon Weight 17lbs
Jhc Clear Baer-Normal Patella-Normal Cardio-Normal Weight 16lbs
Jhc-Clear Baer- Normal Patella- Normal Cario -Normal Weight 18 lbs
Jha clear Baer Normal 9 months old weight 16 lbs
Pic's Coming Soon!
When my adults reach retirement age I spay or neuter them and place them in homes. Usually I do this around 5-6 years of age so that they still have plenty of time to be spoiled rotten and be a part of their new families. Unfortunately I cannot keep them all and this is necessary to keep producing pet and show puppies for the future!