Shipping/Deposits/Health Guarantee
Shipping/Deposits/Health Guarantee

We do offer stud services :) I can do local breedings or ship semen. 


Sully-Sullivan Jill's Rolls Royce

Jhc Clear           Baer-Normal            Cerf-Normal            Patella-Normal           Cardio-Normal            Weight 17lbs

Diesel-Sullivan's Fire Continues Burning(Maddox son)

Jhc -clear         Baer-Normal                                                                                                                               Weight 15 lbs

Smitty-Crazy Crys Key To Smitten's Heart-Romanian Import

Jhc Clear     Baer-Normal                                                                                                    Weight 15 lbs


Grace-Sullivan's Unparalleled                    Grace

Jhc Clear           Baer-Normal          Cerf-Normal          Patella-Normal         Cardio-Normal                 Weight 14lbs

Harper-Sullivan's Playing My Tune

Jhc-Clear          Baer-Normal         Cerf-Normal           Patella-Normal           Cardio-Normal             Weight 13 lbs

Camryn-Sullivan's Now or Never

Jhc Clear           Baer-Normal                  Just turned one so other tests will be done soon            Weight 17lbs

Tinley-Sullivan's Carbon Copy

Jhc Clear          Baer-Normal            Patella-Normal        Cardio-Normal            Weight 16lbs

Kindle-Sullivan's Reigniting The Fire

Jhc-Clear           Baer- Normal          Patella- Normal         Cario -Normal                                                   Weight  18 lbs

Vivian-Crazy Cry's Sands of Time

Jha clear          Baer Normal                                                                        9 months old weight 16 lbs

                                                                          Pic's Coming Soon!

When my adults reach retirement age I spay or neuter them and place them in homes. Usually I do this around 5-6 years of age so that they still have plenty of time to be spoiled rotten and be a part of their new families. Unfortunately I cannot keep them all and this is necessary to keep producing pet and show puppies for the future!

Contact Us Today!

Sullivan's Boston Terrier's

Livingston, 70754

Phone: 12252662327


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